Some useless stuff to start with...

A link over that puddle of water called "Channel"...
("Ye Olde Leaf Forum" for approximate-english speaking people...)
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Some useless stuff to start with...

Messagepar landyman » Lun 5 Jan 2009 20:10

Lookin for a correct translation for "roulez à gauche" (and absolutely not "tenez la gauche" as shown on signs, leaving Dover on the A2), i accidentaly found this page :
The interesting bit is at the very bottom of the page : "CORK AIRPORT DRIVES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD" (black on green)


Another absolutely indispensable stuff i found, is about "Which side of the road do they drive on? " by Brian Lucas.

On this page, Brian doesn't forget to thank :
Mohammed Alquwaizani, Norman Bartlett, George Birch, Alex Boster, Grahame Burton, Andrey Chernyakhovsky, Daniel Bowen, James F. Boylan, Mark Brader, Louise Bremner, Bill Choisser, Jens Brix Christiansen, Douglas Clark, David Clement, Rui Gustavo Crespo, Charles DeBrosse, Joe DeRose, Ron Dohmen, Jay Doty, Jim Dubel, Rob Dvorak, David Easton, Mike Elwell, Sergey Fedosov, Sander Feinberg, Joe Flake, Alan Flavell, Simon Fletcher, Chris Garrett, Lynne Geisel, Bob Goudreau, Anders Hanquist, The Henry Ford Museum, Nicholas Hodder, David Hoole, Don Howard, Wayne Huffman, Justin Jih, Trevor Jordan, Keith, Mark King, Jeremy Langdon, Paul Erik Leopold, Bill Lockhart, João Madureira, Edwin Man, Brandt Maxwell, Aaron Moreau-Cook, David Morgan, Pete Murdie, Thomas Murphy, Andrew Myles, David Newgreen, Michael Page, Marco Polito, Clint Rodgers, Malcolm Roe, Stewart Rosenberger, Lynn Garry Salmon, Jim Sangster, Michael Scotts, Red Shannon, Anton Sherwood, Michael Schwartz, Krithin Sitaram, Conrad Smith, Ivan Smith, Bill Stewart, Dieter Stuckenbrock, Ben Varner, Jon Warms, Bernd Wechner, Jim West, Ken Westmoreland, Bernd Wechner, Brendan Whyte, Howard Wilson, and Eric Zimmerman.

May you Brian, and all the above guys be thanked... truly ! :heho:

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Enregistré le: Mar 15 Jan 2008 03:58
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Re: Some useless stuff to start with...

Messagepar LAND18 » Lun 5 Jan 2009 22:30

mummy is in the kitchen
dady is in the garage :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

dady devait avoir un land rover :mrgreen:
Ce que fait la main droite, la main gauche n'a pas à le savoir
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Messages: 778
Enregistré le: Mar 15 Jan 2008 08:24
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